Archive for the ‘Hastings’ Category

Hastings Direct FTP Request

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Hastings Direct FTP Request

 You may have received an email from Hastings as follows:

Hastings is currently researching FTP and which trading partners have the capability. Can you please advise if you are capable of trading documents via FTP? Preferably connecting to a Hastings Entertainment server for drop off and pick up files. Please respond as soon as possible.  _________________________________________________________________________________________________

 What this means to you:

Hastings is asking if you can transmit and pick up EDI files directly to and from their FTP server, rather than through your ICC mailbox.  UnitechEDI does not currently support direct ftp with Hastings.

Hastings: 850 Back Order Flag

Thursday, May 1st, 2008


Source: Email from Hastings dated April 23, 2008

What does it mean to me?

You can tell Hastings that UnitechEDI clients all use the data passed in the CSH01 segment to determine whether to process back orders for a purchase order.

This interpretation contains our best thinking on this matter. For confirmation you should  contact your Hastings representative. For more information you can contact UnitechEDI at (800) 330-4094 or

The Hastings trademark, logo, and copyright is the property of their owners. All rights reserved. Use of any logo does not represent an endorsement.