New Warehouses

Source: Email from Amazon dated July 1,2008

What does it mean to me?

Amazon is opening 3 new warehouses and has changed the address for 2 existing warehouses. You will need to make changes to receive orders from them.

What must I do?

UnitechEDI clients all use SAN codes instead of the Amazon FC code. You can disregard the section about FC codes. You need to [Update Software] from the UnitechEDI dashboard in order to process orders from these warehouses. You also need to enter these new warehouses as shipto records with SAN codes in your customer file and change your existing address for SAN 8002657 and 8001774.

You need to do this before August 1.

This is our best thinking on this matter. For confirmation you should contact your Amazon representative. For more information contact (800) 330-4094 or

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